
Winner of PCEF Phillies Ticket Raffle

Congratulations to Melanie Myers, Winner of the PCEF Phillies Ticket Raffle.

The Phoenixville Community Education Foundation would like to thank all those who stopped by our table at the September First Friday on Bridge Street in Phoenixville and at the September 9th PAHS home football game.  During these events we sold raffle tickets for a chance to win four Phillies baseball tickets, generously donated by the Little Family. (more…)

2016-11-13T14:04:05-05:00October 4th, 2011|General|

New Web-site

As you can see, we are completely revamping our web-site!  We are very excited about the changes and hope you will check back often to see our progress!

2016-11-13T14:04:05-05:00July 28th, 2011|General|
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