
PCEF Donates Over $12,000 in School Supplies

Phoenixville area students from preschool through 12th grade headed back to the classrooms this week.  And thanks to the Phoenixville Community Education Foundation (PCEF) every child entered school with all the practical supplies he or she needs to be successful.

For the ninth straight year, PCEF has coordinated in-kind and monetary donations to fill backpacks for less fortunate students in the district through its Pack-a-Backpack program.  A total of 519 filled backpacks were delivered to every elementary school in the Phoenixville Area School District, plus the Renaissance Academy, the Holy Family School, and Phoenixville Area Children’s Learning Center.  Backpacks contained notebooks, crayons, rulers, highlighters, and other supplies that teachers requested all children have. (more…)

2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00September 4th, 2012|General|

PCEF Announces Leadership Change

The Board of Trustees of PCEF has been led for many years by Joe Little, President.  Recently, Joe has decided to step down from the Board, after years of service and countless hours of volunteer commitment to our organization since its inception.  We thank you, Joe, for all you’ve done for PCEF.


Joe’s Legacy

Joe Working on the Pack a Backpack Program

Joe has guided PCEF through many growing pains, including recent changes in the school district and has created a solid working partnership with Dr. Fegley and the current administration.

During his tenure as President, PCEF donated over $1.5 million back to the district and community. Joe leaves behind a stronger organization that is well-equipped to do even more for the children and students of the Phoenixville area.

We wish Joe all the best as he now devotes his volunteer time to the Senior American Legion Baseball League and we thank his wife Leslie and their 2 children for being so understanding when Joe was at yet another late night PCEF meeting.


Kelly Connors Elected New President

The Board of Trustees unanimously voted to elect Kelly Connors as the new President. Kelly has a long record of service to the Phoenixville area, including sitting on the PASD School Board for 6 years and chairing its Curriculum Committee.

She has been involved with PCEF since its inception as well, serving on the Board for several years and chairing its successful winter fundraiser in 2009, 2010, and 2011. She is married to Paul and they have 2 daughters in the Phoenixville schools. Kelly is a longtime employee of Frees Insurance Inc.

Kelly notes, “Joe Little is leaving this foundation a very strong organization, and I know I have very big shoes to fill, I hope to follow his example. Thank you for everything Joe.”

The Board is looking forward to the future of PCEF under Kelly’s leadership.


2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00May 17th, 2012|General|

PCEF’s Accomplishments Over the Last 6 Months

It is hard to believe that the first half of our fiscal year has come and gone! Here’s an update of what PCEF has been up to!


This Year So Far . . .


1. Activities Access Fund – In July, the PCEF provided $10,000 to the school district to help economically disadvantaged students with the Pay to Participate fees that were instituted this year to offset the cost of the extracurricular activities in the middle school and high school.

2. Summer Academics – PCEF was awarded a grant of $5,000 from the 1675 Foundation in support of the 2012 elementary summer remediation program. Along with these funds, PCEF will provide $3,000 to Phoenixville Area Positive Alternatives (PAPA) to help fund the enrichment portion of this summer program.

3. Pack a Backpack– for the 8th year in a row, PCEF has provided fully stocked backpacks to preschool and elementary students in need, as well as the requested supplies for middle school and high school students in need. Costco of King of Prussia generously donated over 300 backpacks, with SEI Cares and many community members making donations of supplies. Over the last 8 years, PCEF has delivered over 2,600 backpacks to students in the Phoenixville area! (more…)

2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00January 31st, 2012|General, Program News|

PAHS Future Business Leaders of America


Phoenixville Area High School’s Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America is in Need of Sponsors for a State-Wide Competition!

Students invited to attend the state academic competition are entirely dependent on your contributions! (more…)

2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00January 13th, 2012|General|

Happy Holidays from PCEF

This is the time of year when we remember what is truly important in our lives – our family, friends, and community. It is also the time of year that we often give gifts to people and causes which are important to us.

The PCEF Board would like to remind you of the good work the foundation does in the Phoenixville area community. Our priorities for the coming year are listed here. As you can see, our efforts help children from pre-K through college.

Why not add PCEF to your list of holiday recipients? Supporting us is as easy as clicking here.

Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season!

The Board of Trustees of the Phoenixville Community Education Foundation (more…)

2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00December 13th, 2011|General|

It’s not too late to help Phoenixville students! – The “phantom” Phantom Ball

Have you ever wondered where the funding comes from for PASD programs like Computers on Wheels, Mini-Grants for Teachers, Scholarships for High School Seniors, or After-School Tutoring?

How about the Wall of Fame, the Stock Market Game, the Phantom TV Studio, or the Activities Access Fund which helps families who cannot afford the new Pay to Participate fee?

We provide it! We are the Phoenixville Community Education Foundation (PCEF).

For many years, PCEF has held a fall gala to raise money for our students. This year we decided to forgo this event and ask our supporters to send us a direct donation instead of spending money on a gala ticket, babysitter, and outfit to wear.

If you have attended our events in the past, or you have a child in PASD schools, we urge you to support PCEF – our programs touch just about every child in our district. Want details? Click here for our list of priorities.

We welcome donations in any amount. If you have any questions about PCEF or our “phantom” ball, please take a look around on our website or call us at 610-933-5911.

2016-11-13T14:04:04-05:00November 29th, 2011|Events, General|
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